Thursday, May 28, 2015

I awake possessed by God
by Catherine Wagner

The language is fractured but, I think, not meaningless. How is a person to know the grandiose and darting mind of God in the midst of dishtowels and pieces of laundry fuzzing out of each other? What is the great throbbing beating? I don't know, but the whole thing says domestic life in a new way.

I awake possessed by God
and annex the darting mind
to replace it and make it know
flung up in a dishtowel
with a sweater fuzzing out of my skirt

But what should I obey or own
if I swallow my sense and my sword
in a great throbbing beating in my face?

Hello, hello, hello....

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I like the frivolity of this one. The long blank spaces suggest a youthful, breathless excitement over love. This poem was included in an is...