Sunday, May 3, 2015

Dear Eagles by Gabe Gudding

Gabe Gudding again. Here in letter form, a sort of riff on the eagle as a symbol of the U.S. The same craziness and fun and wild use of language. I don't share his sentiment here, but I love the way he writes. He could revive poetry, if people read poetry.

Dear Eagles

I am bored by beagles those happy dogs
so indelibly at gates. They’re unlike
the nation’s eagles who bang on gelid gusts
above our fields and shining logs. I am
not, thus, bored by yóu—all
your pleasures gentried, such epaulets
and fuss—and never over are the clawed towings
of fish with your angled feathers, no: Dó call me
an eagle lover, then. You are possibles.

Yet too you that once that were some symbols
of this nation that dealt some blows: you are not now
—nor are you ever always will be again—

your country’s over. And though you’re here still,
you will surely go.

For I have seen few snowmen outlast the snows.


Gabriel Gudding

(First appeared in The Canary)



Mirare said...

Hey Kelli, Where did you find this/ learn about this writer? I'm going off to search for more info. Thank you - this blog is a great treat.

Kelli said...

Mary, I'm so glad you like him. I first discovered him on I loved one of the poems they published and then went on my own search. He has two books that I know of... A Defense of Poetry and Rhode Island Notebook.

Here is one of his that I like:

I like the frivolity of this one. The long blank spaces suggest a youthful, breathless excitement over love. This poem was included in an is...